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Thank you for visiting my website.
I’m running to serve YOU.
I’m a humble guy and I’m not interested in accolades, fame, or glory. I would consider it a privilege to serve you, my community and my state. My goal is to defend our God-given liberties and restore a government that is truly of, by and for the people.
Today, more than ever our freedoms are being targeted on every side and we need to push back with renewed vigor to protect life, our freedom of speech, our 2nd amendment rights, our economy and more. We are over-regulated, over-governed and over-taxed at the federal level and they want to do the same to us at the state and local levels.
I love Arizona and America and I’m a fierce defender of our God-given Constitution. If you’re looking for someone who will do all he can to defend and preserve our freedoms and our sovereignty, you’ve found him. I hope you’ll get involved, support our effort, and join me at the polling place this election day!
Khyl Powell
Core Values
- Family - Parental Rights – School Choice
- Inflation and the Economy
- Border Security
- 1st and 2nd Amendments
- Right to Life – Every child has a right to live
- Support Local Law Enforcement to reduce crime
- Election Integrity
- Girls Sports – Play according to DNA
- Protect Property Rights
- Honor and sustain the Constitution
- Less Government – Limit Taxes
"I love Arizona and America and I’m a fierce defender of our God-given Constitution. If you’re looking for someone who will do all he can to defend and preserve our freedoms and our sovereignty, you’ve found him."

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